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Is 5G Home Internet Good Enough for Online Gaming?

We take a deeper dive into the pros and cons of 5G home Internet for online gaming. Find out if 5G is a reliable home Internet option for you.

Thanks to advancements in Internet technology, online gaming has greatly evolved in recent years.

One of the most recent innovations making waves is 5th Generation (5G) home Internet, which promises an unrivaled gaming experience for gamers around the world. And while 5G has proven adequate on mobile devices, the question remains: Is 5G home Internet actually good enough for online gaming?

Learn more about the world of 5G home Internet and how it could impact gaming sessions on your computer and video game consoles.

An Overview of 5G Home Internet

Pioneered by Internet service providers (ISPs), like T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T, 5G speeds are looking to redefine home Internet the way they have for mobile.

  • High-Speed Internet: 5G home Internet services offer download speeds of up to 300 Mbps, paling in comparison to many broadband Internet technologies that have the power to reach up to 2,000 Mbps. While Internet speeds of 5G technology may be suitable for some households that require lower bandwidth, they likely will not be able to handle an elite online gaming experience.
  • Lower Latency: With broadband Internet services, like fiber-optic, digital interactions are almost instantaneous, significantly reducing lag time in activities, such as video conferencing and online gaming. This lower latency, however, isn’t guaranteed by 5G home Internet due to competition with cell phone users, inclement weather, and environmental obstructions.
  • Bandwidth: More devices can connect to the Internet without compromising performance when using a broadband Internet plan. However, 5G networks share a connection from a cell phone tower with multiple devices, leading to less bandwidth when those devices are in use nearby. So while 5G might be supporting your mobile phone, your smart devices and gaming consoles will struggle to function on the same network, especially during peak hours of digital activity.

5G home Internet may be a step forward for those in rural areas with less access to high-speed broadband Internet providers. But for larger households that need unlimited data to simultaneously game, work, learn and stream Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and more on multiple devices, it’s not yet living up to the hype.

5G Home Internet for Gaming: Is it a Good Idea?

Given the nature of online gaming and esports, where milliseconds can make the difference between winning and losing, a stable and fast Internet connection with low latency is essential. Of course, you’ll also need a great router and strong WiFi connection.

Does 5G home Internet offer all that? Not exactly.

In fact, when compared to broadband Internet options, 5G home Internet is much slower, experiences more lag, supports fewer devices at once, and isn’t able to cover as large of an area. Plus, 5G home Internet isn’t as widely available as broadband Internet. Simply put, 5G home Internet lacks reliability.

While 5G home Internet may suffice for gaming in certain households, for the smoothest gameplay, especially when playing online multiplayer games, broadband options like cable Internet or fiber Internet are much more effective.

Bottom Line

Broadband Internet offers faster speeds, less lagging, and a better overall gaming experience than 5G home Internet. As a result, if you’re a gamer, we recommend you find a high-speed Internet provider in your area.

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